116 SCIENTIST IN RUSSIA Russian people of their congenital inactivity. If a tenth of the plans made by the Soviet people had been carried out, Russia would be the Utopia the Dean of Canterbury thinks it is* But the bridge between planning and accomplish- ment cannot be crossed without a hard-headed insistence on practical results, and this attitude is foreign to the Russian character. Therefore the new Russia has needed men who rate utility as the highest test of a theory. Genetics is a notoriously useless subject; Lysenko was not far wrong when he said it had contributed practically nothing to agriculture. Soviet genetics should be utili- tarian : Lysenko regards it as his business to make it so. * There is no fortress *, said Stalin, * that bolsheviks cannot take by storm.* This slogan is applied to the Arctic and to the deserts; it must be applied also to the unexplored regions of science and agriculture: that is Lysenko*s belief. It is a belief which is very valuable for the rebuilding of Russia. The fact that it is a point of view inapplicable to genetics without distorting the truth is, from the political angle, neither here, nor there. That, in my opinion, is another reason why Lysenko and his school are quietly tolerated. And what of Lysenko the man? Can we, Russian fashion, analyse his motives as he so often analyses those of his opponents? He is not a charlatan. He is not a showman. He is not personally ambitious, He is extremely nervous and conveys the impression of being unhappy, unsure of himself, shy, and forced into the r61e of leader by a fire within him. He believes passionately in his own theories, and he is not convinced by cold reasoning. He describes his own writing as always impartial, although passionate, and the writing of his opponents as * passion- less, cold-blooded and measured, yet extremely partial'. He identifies his work with the welfare of Soviet agriculture, so that any attack on him he interprets as an attack on the Soviet state. He is fired by his mission to scourge bourgeois genetics out of Russia, because he really believes it is harnl